What We Believe

A Statement of Faith for Children

What We Believe

Our Amazing God

We believe in one God who exists forever as three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He created everything we can see and even the things we can't see! He rules over all things with perfect wisdom and love. God never changes, and everything He tells us is completely true. He is in charge of everything that happens in our world.

Jesus Our Savior

We believe Jesus is both fully God and fully human - that's part of what makes Him so amazing! He was born to Mary (who was a virgin, meaning Jesus had no earthly father), lived a perfect life without ever sinning, died on the cross to save us, and came back to life three days later. He went up to heaven and will come back someday. Jesus is the only way we can be saved and know God. No other person or way can save us.

God's Perfect Word

We believe the Bible is God's special message to us, and every single word in it is true. God made sure everything written in the Bible is exactly what He wanted us to know. The Bible never makes mistakes, and its rules about right and wrong never change, even if the world changes. We must believe what the Bible says and follow its teachings in our lives.

How God Made People

We believe God created humans in a very special way - as either boys or girls. This wasn't an accident or something we can change - it's God's perfect design! Being a boy or a girl is a gift from God, and He wants us to be happy with how He made us. Every single person, from tiny babies in their mothers' tummies to very old people, is precious to God and deserves to be protected and loved.

Marriage and Family

We believe God created marriage to be a special relationship between one man and one woman that lasts their whole lives. Marriage isn't something we can change or remake - God designed it with a specific purpose. When a man and woman get married, they make a promise before God to love each other forever. God wants married people to have children if they can and to teach those children about Him. This is God's only plan for marriage and families.

Protecting Life

We believe every human life is precious and sacred - that means super special to God. Life begins before babies are born, when they're still growing in their mothers' tummies. God wants us to protect and care for all people - babies who aren't born yet, people who are sick, people who are old, and people who can't take care of themselves. Every life matters to God, so every life should matter to us too.

Standing for Truth

We believe God tells us what is right and wrong - not people, not governments, and not changing times. When the Bible says something is wrong, it's always wrong, even if other people say it's okay. But God wants us to stand up for truth in a loving way. This means:

• Always telling the truth about what we believe

• Being kind to everyone, even people who disagree with us

• Protecting people who are being treated unfairly

• Helping people who are hurting

• Never being mean or hateful to others

• Loving everyone while still saying what's true

Our Promises

Because we believe these things, we promise to:

1. Follow what the Bible says, even when it's hard

2. Protect marriage as God designed it

3. Stand up for people who can't protect themselves

4. Love all people while staying true to what we believe

5. Be kind to people who disagree with us

6. Help people understand God's design

7. Pray for people who believe differently


• God loves all people, even when they don't follow His ways

• We can love people and still disagree with what they do

• We should always be kind, but never change what we believe

• It's okay to ask questions when we don't understand

• God's truth stays the same even when the world changes

• We can be brave about what we believe because God is with us

Most Important of All: God loves you very much, and He wants everyone to know His truth and love!

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